Ensuring Workplace Safety
While the primary focus of your company's fire protection strategy should be to prevent fire, a modern fire alarm system will provide you with early warning of a developing emergency situation.
An early warning fire alarm allows both evacuation and swift emergency response, therefore protecting both people and property within your premises. In addition, the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 places a duty on the "responsible person" to conduct a Fire Risk Assessment of their premises.
In the workplace, the responsible person is typically the employer, however, it may also be the owner or occupier of the premises.
At Sigma Networks, we can advise on the most efficient approach to conducting your fire risk assessment, together with installing and maintaining the system for you.
Fire Risk Assessment

UK law requires that "Responsible Persons" or "Duty Holders" conduct regular fire risk assessments for their business premises. If the business employs five or more people, the significant findings of this assessment must be recorded.
We can remove the stress of undertaking a fire risk assessment by providing an experienced consultant. After working with your responsible persons, we will produce a fire risk assessment report which records the significant findings, a clear plan of action, together with an assessment of hazard areas in the building.

We are Constructionline approved, and trusted by business owners who understand the importance of installing fire alarms correctly and overall fire safety. We design fire alarm systems to meet the most complex requirements, and create tailored O&M (Operation & Maintenance) manuals exactly matched to your system configuration, including monitoring, detecting or alerting.
We can also combine fire detection and alarm systems (including fire and smoke dampers) with our accredited capabilities in CCTV and access control technology.
Maintenance and Inspection

We will service your fire alarm system at least every six months, in accordance with BS 5839. Our technicians carry a range of equipment to recertify any non-compliances or faults to ensure equipment is maintained in efficient working order, in compliance with the RRO.
In the interests of safety and the avoidance of false alarms, most fire alarm manufacturers recommend routine replacement of the detectors after approximately 10 years of service. We will ensure that your equipment is always up-to-date and in full working order.
Professional Accreditations

Sigma Networks is a Constructionline approved supplier. Constructionline work to enhanced PAS 91 criteria, and validate all approved suppliers as "Deemed to satisfy" for SSIP. We are also a Fike Registered Installer.
Business Finance Leasing
Finance leasing is a popular option for companies who need equipment, such as a fire alarm system, but do not have the funds to pay for it up front.
Love Finance provide finance leases on purchases from £1K to £500K, with repayment terms up to 5 years.
To learn more, visit their website (please read our Disclaimer first).